Flowers to Remember
Imagine a Valentine’s Day beyond roses! Locally owned and operated in Knoxville for over 100 years, The Flower Pot can give you plenty of creative options: beautiful arrangements of colorful, fresh garden flowers; gift baskets with a variety of fruit and gourmet treats; and long-lasting European-style dish gardens. Of course, if you do prefer roses, they’ve got you covered, too; order them before Feb. 8 and pay regular rates! If you want to save on delivery, make your order before Feb. 11. And for those who like to make last-minute decisions, the Flower Pot will be open on Valentine’s Day—Sunday, Feb. 14.
THE FLOWER POT, 8205 Chapman Hwy. 865-573-0137. bettysknoxflowers.com.
THE FLOWER POT, 700 S. Gay St. 865-522-4825 2314 and N. Broadway, 865-523-5121. knoxvilleflowerpot.com
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