News Hole [ˈnüz ˈhōl] — The vast media chasm that devours and records bits of timely information from around East Tennessee and beyond. This is a sporadic roundup of thought-worthy morsels scoured …
Open Streets Knoxville Will Return to Shut Down Central—Again
Pedals and pedestrians will again swarm huge lengths of Central Street this summer when Open Streets Knoxville returns for a second helping. The inaugural Open Streets Knoxville event last October …
Big Ears Announces Free Outdoor Festival Finale at Ijams
Big Ears has just announced the finale of its 2016 festival—an outdoor performance of composer-in-residence John Luther Adams’ large-scale piece Inuksuit featuring Steven Schick, Andrew Bliss, and dozens of percussionists. …
Where’s the Outrage? UT Athletic Department Gets a Pass From State Lawmakers, Local Media
On Sunday, The Tennessean ran a profile of former University of Tennessee student-discipline administrator Jenny Wright. It’s a long, in-depth look at the nasty and unfounded accusation that led to …
Downtown Driving May Be Hellish, But Detours Will Keep Water Flowing
Anyone brave enough to pilot the family motorcoach downtown can likely attest to the perils of road construction. It’s all around us. Detours cordon off major thoroughfares and alleyways downtown; …