What motivates you to drop that empty can or bottle into a recycling receptacle instead of a trash can? Are you mainly thinking about saving landfill space? Is conserving energy …
A Stormwater Management Utility Fee Is Worth the Price
Rain happens. No one causes it, and no one owns it, so how can anyone be taxed for it? That might seem a reasonable response to what some are calling …
Conservation Fisheries, Inc. Has Been Saving Endangered Species for Almost 30 Years
It’s probably safe to say that Knoxville has not often been featured in National Geographic magazine, but a local business has been highlighted in two issues of that international publication. …
Advocating for the Ridge and Hilltop Protection Plan
Imagine yourself somewhere, anywhere in Knox County. Look up from your hand-held device for a moment and regard the landscape around you. What do you see? Buildings, probably, as well …
Beaver Creek Task Force Finds Natural Solutions
Few of us think about where the water goes once we flush a toilet or turn off a faucet. Likewise, we give little thought to the fate of stormwater unless …