To be honest, I was actually looking forward to taking a vacation. In my last seven years of editing Metro Pulse, I’d managed to not work on only two or …
A Winter Hike in Knoxville’s Urban Wilderness
The trick to enduring a long winter is to embrace it, to go out and confront its winds and vapors and crusty frozen surfaces. There are no insects, no serpents, …
Pro Bono Publico: Why Does a Bank Building Look Like a Suburban House?
It’s easy to forget that the space that fronts our city’s major buildings, or the zone between curb and building, is no less important than the buildings themselves. So many …
Here’s to the Launch of ‘Mercury’!
When the News Sentinel (or was it someone at Scripps in Cincinnati?) abruptly shut down Metro Pulse last fall, I feared the demise of quality alternative journalism in Knoxville. So it …
Small Stories, Extraordinary People
The name for our one-of-a-kind marsupial, the only marsupial in North America, comes from the Algonquin word apasum, which means “white dog” or “white animal,” due to its white face …