I’ve never been in the money-raising business before. I keep thinking that if we just explain who we are and what we do, people will get it. They’ll help, and …
The Best Newspaper Reporter: Paul Y. Anderson on Phillips Avenue
Last week I wrote about the new Suttree Landing Park, and its surprising nod to a novel by Cormac McCarthy whose primary setting is a Knoxville underworld of riverside shantytowns …
Cal Johnson’s First Speedway
Suttree Landing Park looks nautical, with little pocket lookouts for picnics or contemplation almost like jetties. Stand at one of these promontories on a Saturday afternoon and you can hear …
A Mile of Magnolia: This Weekend’s Open Streets Showcases an Interesting Part of Town Some Avoid
Some suburbanites who know Magnolia Avenue only from vice reports in the news pronounce it with a shiver. It’s a butt of complacent cocktail-party jokes. Newcomers to town, free of …
Why Is One of Knoxville’s Most Historic Buildings Named After Andrew Johnson?
After years of confirmed rumors, Knox County is indeed trying to sell the 17-story Andrew Johnson Building. It’s open to proposals until July 13. It’s been an office building for …