On my children’s first day of school this August, their teachers sent home a letter from Wanda McCown, executive director of school nutrition: “We are pleased to inform you that …
Checking in with the Labor Day Sunflower Project
On a bright June morning, Aaron Shugart-Brown clears a flowerbed in the Friendship Garden on the corner of Fourth Avenue and Morgan Street. The community garden is planted with beds …
Boating, Swimming, and Beer at Mead’s Quarry Lake
Mead’s Quarry Lake, once the site of an industrial-age Tennessee marble quarry, later an illegal dump, has nearly completed its transformation to recreational area with all the amenities and regulations …
Still Water: A Troubled Spring at the Fort Dickerson Quarry Lake
This Memorial Day marks the two-year anniversary of the legalization of swimming in the Fort Dickerson Quarry Lake in South Knoxville’s urban forest. Hopefully, it will not be the last. …
Cattywampus Puppet Council’s Weird and Wild Tales
Last June, Rachel Milford pitched an idea to her craftsy friend, Shelagh Leutwiler, to make an old-man puppet head and do some kind of busking, maybe. Leutwiler was up for …