According to at least two non-fraudulent news sources, it has been approximately 3,610 presidential tweets since Part 2 of this series was published online, and in excess of 5,000 presidential …
Cities Critical: Epilogue
The final article in the triptych exploring cities Great and Livable is published. Barring a Deus ex Machina, it is the last installment in the Mercury’s Architecture Matters column. It’s …
Christmas one century ago: The Baroness Zollner, allegations of espionage, a sudden death, and the mind-reading duck
Knoxville in the past can seem like this city does in dreams. It’s recognizably the same place, but with familiar landmarks slightly twisted and lots of unsettling differences, erupting with …
About 75 years ago, author James Agee witnessed the arrival of cinema as an art form
The Works of James Agee, Vol 5 Complete Film Criticism: Reviews, Essays, and Manuscripts edited by Charles Maland Last summer, a few weeks before the Mercury closed as a weekly …
Cities Critical: Livable, Great, and Best (Part 2)
“We have a situation where we have our inner cities African Americans Hispanics are living in hell.” [sic] —Candidate Donald J. Trump, First Presidential Debate, Sept. 26, 2016. “Look at …