You’ve probably heard the old chestnut about message filmmaking: If you want to send a message, use Western Union. Alternately, I guess you can just use Brad Bird. It pains …
Ryan Gosling Loses the Course in Writing/Directing Debut ‘Lost River’
Lost River (Warner Home Video streaming, Blu-ray, and DVD ) is the kind of movie where a flaming bicycle rolls through a scene for no reason. It’s the kind of …
‘Mad Max: Fury Road’ Shows the Way to the Future of Action Cinema
I often find myself watching summer blockbusters and wondering if we’re approaching some sort of event horizon, at least where cinematic spectacle is concerned. Now that budgets routinely soar past the …
Wim Wenders Softens Sebastião Salgado’s Harrowing Photos in ‘The Salt of the Earth’
Even if you don’t know Sebastião Salgado’s name, you’ve almost certainly seen his work. Now 71 years old, the Brazilian-born photographer has spent the last 40 years documenting human suffering: …
Iranian Vampire Movie ‘A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night’ Depends on Moody, Low-Key Vibe
Women get to do a lot of things on camera, but rarely do they ever get the chance to just be. There’s a scene early on in writer/director Ana Lily …