According to at least two non-fraudulent news sources, it has been approximately 3,610 presidential tweets since Part 2 of this series was published online, and in excess of 5,000 presidential …
Cities Critical: Epilogue
The final article in the triptych exploring cities Great and Livable is published. Barring a Deus ex Machina, it is the last installment in the Mercury’s Architecture Matters column. It’s …
Cities Critical: Livable, Great, and Best (Part 2)
“We have a situation where we have our inner cities African Americans Hispanics are living in hell.” [sic] —Candidate Donald J. Trump, First Presidential Debate, Sept. 26, 2016. “Look at …
Cities Critical: Livable, Great, and Best (Part 1)
“The cities of America are inexpressibly tedious. …One can dine in New York, but not dwell there.” —Oscar Wilde, “The American Invasion,” Court and Society Review (March 23, 1887) “To …
Churches, Sex Shops, and Hyperloops: Looking forward to the past
This column ran in the first issue of the Mercury: “Pro Bono Publico,” (March 11, 2015). Rather than starting with a downtown-centric topic, I wrote about the new branch building …