One of the many intriguing moments in Milos Foreman’s 1984 film, Amadeus, depicts Emperor Joseph II and his court discussing the language of an opera that is to be commissioned …
Two Sisters Try to Overcome a Tragic Separation in CBT’s ‘A Shayna Maidel’
Time heals all wounds, the popular saying goes. But is that really true? The reality of living with the scars and confronting the memories in one’s past is often anything …
BIG EARS 2015: Exploring the Kronos Quartet Discography
Read all our Big Ears coverage here. During a mid-1980s period of compulsion for all things Philip Glass, I found myself on Park Row in New York City, plopping down …
BIG EARS 2015: Max Richter
For some, it is comforting to believe that the music world is one of discrete genres where listeners inhabit clearly marked-off territories delineated by style, preference, and social group. While …
A Young Soloist and Guest Conductor Lead KSO to an Emotional Performance
It is difficult to pick a single emotion when confronted with a pianist like Conrad Tao. “Amazement” could be one—the 20-year-old pianist, who appeared with the Knoxville Symphony Orchestra last …