News Hole [ˈnüz ˈhōl] — The vast media chasm that devours and records bits of timely information from around East Tennessee and beyond. This is a sporadic roundup of thought-worthy morsels scoured from its depths.
City officials say it’s okay to feed the ducks at Fountain City Lake–but don’t go feeding them junk food like bread, grain, or pet food from home that could hurt the feathery ones and affect water quality. Instead, be sure to purchase the city-dispensed duck feed from the coin machines nearby.
Some local liquor store owners say they’ve seen wine sales drop by as much as 20 percent, and even had to lay off some employees, since grocery stores starting selling vino July 1.
State Rep. Martin Daniel smiled in for his mugshot while being booked into Knox County Jail on Thursday. He faces a misdemeanor assault charge for allegedly shoving primary opponent Steve Hall on live radio. Daniel beat out Hall in the GOP primary for House District 18 (West Knoxville) in August. He faces Democratic challenger Brandi Price in the Nov. 8 general election.
Knoxville City Council has okayed a multi-million dollar deal to save an old parking garage downtown. Council on Tuesday approved a 30-year, $2.5 million tax increment financing deal for developer Rick Dover to rehab the old Pryor Brown Parking Garage on Church Street. Councilor Nick Della Volpe said the plan gave him, “a little bit of heartburn,” the News Sentinel reports.
The Justice Department says it will end the use of private prisons, noting that research shows they’re less safe and less effective than guv’ment run lockups. It won’t happen overnight, but the goal is to reduce the reliance on and eventually phase out private control of 13 prisons under its umbrella.
Former Mercury staff reporter Clay Duda has covered gangs in New York, housing busts in Atlanta, and wildfires in Northern California. And lots of stuff about Knoxville.
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