Cool Housewares and Decor Ideas From Knoxville Designers

In Abode: Home Design by Coury Turczynleave a COMMENT

Anton Strainer
ABODE_0519_AntonStrainerCourtesy Caveman Factory

Ryann Aoukar not only teaches design at the University of Tennessee but he also puts his ideas into practice at Caveman Factory. His Anton strainer is both practical and beautiful—with its built-in handle, you can also serve food with it or eat directly from it.
Buy: Bliss (24 Market Square) or at

Kaleidoscope Wall Hanging
ABODE_0519_KaleidoscopeWallHangingCourtesy Kindling House

Cayce J. Anthony and Aubrey M. Jernigan like to “weave, sew, + dabble in a handful of other activities.” They sell their work (along with items from other artists) online at Kindling House, including unusual wall hangings, knitted throws, and art.
Buy: or

Vintage Hardware
ABODE_0519_SalvageShopCourtesy Knox Heritage

The nonprofit Knox Heritage preservation group raises funds from its own Salvage Shop, offering items from salvaged homes and buildings. Who knows what you might find!
Buy: 619 Broadway, 865-313-2111

Mason Jar Lamps
ABODE_0519_MasonJarLamp2Courtesy Wright Mason Co.

Jordan Wright converts vintage Mason jars into lovely, rustic lamps with a variety of shapely light bulbs.
Buy: Local craft fairs (Retropolitan or the Traveling Bazaar) or at

Editor Coury Turczyn guided Knoxville's alt weekly, Metro Pulse, through two eras, first as managing editor (and later executive editor) from 1992 to 2000, then as editor-in-chief from 2007 to 2014. He's also worked as a Web editor at CNET, the erstwhile G4 cable network, and HGTV.

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