News Hole [ˈnüz ˈhōl] — The vast media chasm that devours and records bits of timely information from around East Tennessee and beyond. This is a sporadic roundup of thought-worthy morsels scoured from its depths.
There are now six confirmed cases of measles in Shelby County, the biggest outbreak the state has seen in years. By comparison, there have been nine reported cases in the entire state within the past 12 years.
The Tennessee Valley Authority is looking to sell its twin office towers in downtown. But its not planning on moving too far.
Kid Rock’s personal assistant has died in an ATV accident near Nashville.
Knox County Commission yesterday approved two tax deals for downtown developments worth at least $5 million.
Worried about some theoretically U.N. treaty taking away your God-given right to bear arms? Don’t be. The state legislature has you covered with this recently passed bill that says Tennessee ain’t gonna enforce by no stinkin’ international treaty that limits gun rights.
A bunch of people got pissed off after a student hung six rainbow-colored nooses from a tree at Austin Peay State University in Clarksville as part of an art protect. The school quickly took them down, then the New York Times wrote about it.
A grand jury has indicted the wife of a former assistant coach at South Doyle High School for allegedly having sex with a football player.
Despite all the protests, the Tennessee Senate last week voted 27-3 to defund the Diversity Office at the University of Tennessee Knoxville–at least for one year. The bill now heads to the desk of Gov. Bill Haslam.
Photo: Measles! Wikipedia/Creative Commons
Former Mercury staff reporter Clay Duda has covered gangs in New York, housing busts in Atlanta, and wildfires in Northern California. And lots of stuff about Knoxville.
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